implode and explode function

Implode() Function

The implode function is used to join elements of an array with a string. The implode( ) function returns a string from elements of an array

Syntax :

implode (separator , array)


$arr = array('m','a','h','t','a','b');

$str = implode("-",$arr);

echo $str;
?> output :
and you wish to combine it into a string, by putting the separator '-' between each element of the array.


$arr=array ('I','am','simple','boy!');
echo implode(" ",$arr);
output :- I am simple boy!

implode() Example.

File Name:- index.php

$arr = array ('I','am','simple','boy!');<br/>
$space_separated = implode(" ", $arr);<br/>
$comma_separated = implode(" , ", $arr);<br/>
$slash_separated = implode(" / ", $arr);<br/>
$dot_separated = implode(" . ", $arr);<br/>
$hyphen_separated = implode(" - ", $arr);<br/>
echo $space_separated;<br/>
echo $comma_separated;<br/>
echo $slash_separated;<br/>
echo $dot_separated;<br/>
echo $hyphen_separated;<br/>

Output :-

length of the arrar = 3

Explode() Function.

The explode() function is used to Split a string into array.

now you want to make each name as an element of an array and access it individually so what you do:
$arr = explode(",", $str);
means : we have made pieces of string $text based on separator ',' and put the resulting array in variable $arr.
So I used print_r ($arr); and the results are the following:
Array([0] => A[1] => E[2] => I[3] => O[4] => U)
which is equal to:$arr = Array ("A","E","I","O","U");

File Name:- index.php

<body bgcolor="pink">
<h3>Explode Function</h3>
$str="I am simple boy!";
print_r(explode(" ",$str));

Output :-

Explode and substr function.

File name index1.php

$uu = "";

window.location = "<?php echo $uu;?>?"+Hash;

Explode and substr function.

File name index2.php

$id = $_GET['id'];
$str = $_GET['appname'];
// love?value=mahtab
$arr = explode("?", $str);
$appname = $arr[0];
echo $appname;
// love
echo "<br/>";
$data = $str;
// value=mahtab
$access_token = substr($data, strpos($data, "=")+1);
echo $access_token;

How to split a string when finding whitespace ?

File name index2.php

$str = "mohammad mahtab alam";
$result = explode(" ",$str,2);
echo $result[0];
// print_r(explode(' ', $str, 2));

$str = "foo bar php js";
$arr = explode(" ", $str);

//print all the value which are in the array
foreach($arr as $v){
echo $v;

How to get current url and extract sub string

File name index2.php

$purl = 'http'.'://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
echo $purl; // get the current url of the page.

$urlstr = substr($purl, strrpos($purl, '?') + 1);
echo $urlstr; // it gives id=1
//echo "<br/>";

$arr = explode("=", $urlstr);
$appname = $arr[0];
echo $appname; // it prints only id
//print all the value which are in the array
foreach($arr as $v){
echo $v; echo "<br/>";

How to get the First Word of the Sentence or String.

Ex . "md mahtab alam" // output : md

File name index2.php

$value = "Test me more";
echo strtok($value, " "); // Test

************* Or ******************

$myvalue = 'Test me more';
$arr = explode(' ',trim($myvalue));
echo $arr[0]; // will print Test

************* Or ******************

$value = "Hello world";
$tokens = explode(" ", $value);
echo $tokens[0];


$dmy = explode('/', $today);
$day = $dmy[1];
$month = $dmy[0];
$year = $dmy[2];
echo $day."<br>";
echo $month."<br>";
echo $year;


$dmy = explode('-', $today);
$day = $dmy[1];
$month = $dmy[0];
$year = $dmy[2];
echo $day."<br>";
echo $month."<br>";
echo $year;

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