what is between in mysql?

MySQL BETWEEN Condition is used to retrieve values within a range in a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement.

  • The MySQL BETWEEN Condition will return the records where expression is within the range of value1 and value2 (inclusive).
  • When using the MySQL BETWEEN Condition with dates, be sure to use the CAST function to explicitly convert the values to dates.
  • Between Operator returns true if the data is within a range.
  • The Between Operator will return records including the starting and ending values.
  • Between operator support only the AND operator in MySQL.

  • With Numeric

    SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE contact_id BETWEEN 100 AND 200;

    This MySQL BETWEEN example would return all rows from the contacts table where the contact_id is between 100 and 200 (inclusive). It is equivalent to the following SELECT statement:

    SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE contact_id >= 100 AND contact_id <= 200;

    With Date

    When using the BETWEEN condition in MySQL with dates, be sure to use the CAST function to explicitly convert the values to dates.

    SELECT * FROM order_details WHERE order_date BETWEEN CAST('2014-02-01' AS DATE) AND CAST('2014-02-28' AS DATE);

    It would be equivalent to the following SELECT statement:

    SELECT * FROM order_details WHERE order_date >= CAST('2014-02-01' AS DATE) AND order_date <= CAST('2014-02-28' AS DATE);

    NOT Operator

    SELECT * FROM suppliers WHERE supplier_id NOT BETWEEN 2000 AND 2999; SELECT name,country,city,dob FROM users WHERE YEAR(dob) NOT BETWEEN 1984 AND 2000;

    SELECT * FROM suppliers WHERE supplier_id < 2000 OR supplier_id > 2999;

    SELECT name,country,city,date_of_birth FROM users
    WHERE MONTH(date_of_birth) BETWEEN '03' and '08';
    output :-

    SELECT name,country,city,date_of_birth FROM users WHERE MONTH(date_of_birth) BETWEEN '05' AND '09' AND YEAR(date_of_birth) BETWEEN 1950 AND 1975;

    Not Between

    The NOT BETWEEN Operator is just the opposite of BETWEEN Operator. NOT BETWEEN operator will return data where the column values not in between the range values.

    SELECT * FROM customers WHERE Age NOT BETWEEN 18 AND 21;

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