what is where clause in mysql?

 The where clause is an optional clause used in MySQL statements. The WHERE clause is used to filter on the rows of the result set and return the rows by the FROM clause. It extracts only those records that fulfill the specified condition. The WHERE clause mainly depends upon a condition that evaluates as either be true, false. So, if you want to limit the number of rows to be affected by your DML statement (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE), then you need to use the Where Clause in MySQL.

Example :-

SELECT * FROM ittutorial WHERE course = 'php';

Select statement will return all the records from the ittutorial table whose course is php.

Where Clause Using AND and OR Condition.

SELECT * FROM ittutorial WHERE course = 'php' AND (author == 'sana mahtab' OR author == 'mahira mahtab');

Exampe of where clause :-

UPDATE ittutorial SET author = 'Nusrat' WHERE course = 'php';

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