Python Tutorials
- Python
- How to install Python?
- How to Run Python Program
- Python Identifiers,Statement, Indentation and Comments
- Variable
- Data type
- Decision Making
- Python Loops
- Break,Continue, Pass
- Functions
- Predefine Functions
- Lambda Functions
- Variable Scope
- List
- Tuple
- Python Sets
- Python Dictionary
- Python String
- String Formating
- Input/Output
- File Handling (Input / Output)
- Iterators
- Python Modules
- Python Date
- Python JSON
- Classes and Objects
- Constructor
- Polymorphism
- Encapsulation
- inheritance
- Class or Static Variables in Python
- class method vs static method
- Abstraction
- Exception Handling
- MySql Python
- MySql Create Database
- MySql CRUD
- Django
Python Lambda Functions
Python Lambda function is known as the anonymous function that is defined without a name. Python allows us to not declare the function in the standard manner, i.e., by using the def keyword. Rather, the anonymous functions are declared by using the lambda keyword. However, Lambda functions can accept any number of arguments, but they can return only one value in the form of expression.
File name :
# a is an argument and a+10 is an expression which got evaluated and returned.
x = lambda a:a+10
# Here we are printing the function object
print("sum = ",x(20))
output :-
<function <lambda> at 0x2b185b68d1f0>
sum = 30
Multiply argument x with argument y and return the result:
File name :
mul = lambda x, y: x * y
print(mul(5, 6))
Output :-
Example :-
Summarize argument a, b, and c and return the result:
File name :
x = lambda a, b, c : a + b + c
print(x(5, 6, 2))
Output :-