Important Points
For any new project, Laravel logs errors and exceptions in the App\Exceptions\Handler class, by default. They are then submitted back to the user for analysis.
When your Laravel application is set in debug mode, detailed error messages with stack traces will be shown on every error that occurs within your web application.
By default, debug mode is set to false and you can change it to true. This enables the user to track all errors with stack traces. .env file
The value is set to true in a local development environment and is set to false in a production environment.
If the value is set to true in a production environment, the risk of sharing sensitive information with the end users is higher.
Error Log
The log information can be configured in the web application in config/app.php file.
The logging parameters used for error tracking are single, daily, syslog and errorlog.
A temporary file could not be opened to write the porcess output. fopen(C://windows/Temp/sf_proc_00.out.lock): failed to open stream . permission denied.
Runtime Exception
how to solve Laravel Specified key was too long error
when we run the following command we get “Specified key was too long error”
Easiest way to fix error is to locate the file “app/Providers/AppServiceProvider”, and add following line of code to the top of the file
and inside the boot method set a default string length as given below
Fix No application encryption key has been specified error In Laravel
Sometime in laravel, when you created a fresh laravel project and trying to start development server you may encounter following error –
fix this error you need to set a key option in your config/app.php configuration file. You should use the following commands to generate this key and get the error fixed –
Laravel 5 Fix Ajax Post 500 Internal Server Error
when trying to submit form data using ajax you encounter 500 internal server error, in most of the cases this happens due to not adding csrf_token with form data or not setting X-CSRF-TOKEN request header with ajax form submit request.
Add CSRF Meta and Set Ajax Headers
419 page expired error in laravel
the problem is caused by the csrf_token.
419 | page this error means laravel security issue it means csrf token field is not used correctly. use {{csrf_field}} and your issue will be solved. Actually CSRF is a session based token. Add your route in a route group and add a middleware which control the sessions.
Condition one:Non-static method Illuminate\Http\Request::all() should not be called statically
419|page expired error when trying to login
If you getting a page expired ( 419 ) issue means an issue with your csrf token.
Condition 1 : If you are getting an error after submitting the form then you need to add the CSRF field in your form. the example provided on below post.
<form method="POST" action="/profile">
@csrf <!-- add csrf field on your form -->
Condition 2 : If you are getting an error after calling the AJAX then you need to add a header like below.
In your head tag
<meta name="csrf-token" content="{{ csrf_token() }}">
In Your Script tag
headers: {
'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')
disable csrf protection
Note: disable csrf protection use only for webhooks
disable csrf protection field for routes group or specific routes
open file VerifyCsrfToken.php on your project
dir - App\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken.php
Undefined offset: 0 (View: C:\xampp\htdocs\schoolmanagement\resources\views\displaycombinedata.blade.php)
Error - 419 Sorry your session has expired Post request in Laravel
419 | page expired
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