What is Laravel Redirections?
Named route is used to give specific name to a route. The name can be assigned using the “as” array key.
File name : index.php
Route::get('user/profile', ['as' => 'profile', function () {
Note − Here, we have given the name profile to a route user/profile.
Anchor Tag Redirection
File name : index.php
<a href="{!! url()->current() !!}">Current path</a>
<a href="{!! url()->full() !!}">Full path</a>
<a href="{!! url('/books/news') !!}">Relative to root path</a>
<a href="{!! url('http://www.google.com') !!}">Path to google</a>
File name : index.php
<a href="{{url('/login')}}" class="nav-link"><span class="pcoded-micon"><i class="feather icon-server"></i></span><span class="pcoded-mtext">login</span></a>
File name : index.php
<a href="<?=URL::to('/registration')?>" ><span class="pcoded-micon"><i class="feather icon-file-text"></i></span><span class="pcoded-mtext">Registration</span></a>
Redirect to URL
return redirect('user/dashboard');
Redirect back to previous page in Laravel
return redirect()->back();
return redirect()->back()->withInput();
Redirect to Named Routes in Laravel
return redirect()->route('home');
Redirect to Named Routes with parameters in Laravel
return redirect()->route('users', [1]);
Redirect to Controller Action in Laravel
return redirect()->action('App\Http\Controllers\UserController@index');
Redirect to Controller Action With Parameters in Laravel
return redirect()->action('App\Http\Controllers\UserController@index', ['id' => 1]);
Redirect with Flashed Session Data in Laravel
return redirect('home')->with('messgae', 'Welcome to ExpertPHP Tutorials!');
How to Redirect to External Link in Laravel?
return redirect()->away('http://www.itechxpert.in');
Redirect Route With Query String in laravel
redirect with success message or error message in laravel application. so we will use the redirect route with query string in laravel application.
File name : index.php
return redirect('/student')->with('success', 'Data has been added');
Redirect To URL
Redirect with prarmeter
File name : index.php
return redirect('welcome
return redirect('admin/dashboard');
Redirect To Route
File name : index.php
return redirect()->route('posts.index');
File name : index.php
Route::get('post/{id}', 'PostController@edit')-name('post.edit');
We can return to this route using the below code snippet.
return redirect()->route('post.edit', ['id' => $post->id]);
If you have single parameter
File name : index.php
return redirect()->route('post.edit', $post->id);
Redirect with Data
File name : index.php
return redirect()->back()->with('success', 'Post saved successfully.');
chain multiple with() methods
File name : index.php
return redirect()->back()
->with('success', 'Post saved successfully.')
->with('post_id', $post->id);
File name : index.php
$response = [
'success' => 'Post saved successfully.',
'post_id' => $post->id,
return redirect()->back()->with($response);
Redirect to Controller Action
File name : index.php
return redirect()->action('PostController@store);
File name : index.php
return response()->action('PostController@edit', ['id' => $post->id]);