What is session in laravel Framework?

Sessions are used to store information about the user across the requests. Session can be configured in the file stored at config/session.php.

Sessions are a way to store data for each HTTP request with a unique session ID.

There are two methods to set the value in the session.

  • session helper function session().
  • use the Request instance to set the value in session.
  • // Global helper function
    session(['key' => 'value']);

    ############## OR #########

    // Request class instance
    $request->session()->put(['key' => 'value']);

    ############## OR #########

    // Pusing Value to Session Array
    $request->session()->push(['key' => 'value']);

    Import session in controller

    use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Session;
    use Session;

    Accessing Session Data

    To access the session data, we need an instance of session which can be accessed via HTTP request. After getting the instance, we can use the get() method, which will take one argument, “key”, to get the session data.

    File name : index.php

    // Global helper function
    $value = session('key'); br/>

    ############## OR #########

    $data = $request->session()->get('key');

    ############## OR #########

    You can use all() method to get all session data instead of get() method

    $data = $request->session()->all();

    Storing Session Data

    Data can be stored in session using the put() method. The put() method will take two arguments, the “key” and the “value”. or the session helper:

    $request->session()->put('key', 'value');

    $email = $request->input('email');
    $username = $request->session()->get('username');

    // Via the global helper...
    session(['key' => 'value']);

    How to print session data on view page

    How to strore multiple data on Session

    $userdata = array('username'=>'mahtab','userid'=>'mahi786','mobile' =>'7838897299');

    how to print print data on view page

    File name : index.php


    Deleting Session Data

    The forget() method is used to delete an item from the session. This method will take “key” as the argument.

    $request->session()->flush(); // it remove the all session data
    $request->session()->forget('username'); // it remove the single session data

    // Forget a single key...

    // Forget multiple keys...
    $request->session()->forget(['key1', 'key2']);

    Session::forget('your key') // Removes a specific variable

    How to check session is exist or not

    if (session()->has('userkey')) {
    return redirect('home');
    else {
    return redirect('/');

    if (!$request->session()->exists('user')) {
    // user value cannot be found in session
    return redirect('/');

    // Checking if a session value exist

    if ($request->session()->has('key') {

    How to Increase Session time in Laravel?

    Using .env File


    60 * 24 * 365 = 525600



    use Illuminate\Support\Str;

    return [


    'lifetime' => env('SESSION_LIFETIME', 120),



    Method 2:- Using Config File



    use Illuminate\Support\Str;

    return [


    'lifetime' => 1 * (60 * 24 * 365),


    Flash Data

    $request->session()->flash('status', 'Task was successful!');

    If you need to keep your flash data around for several requests, you may use the reflash method,


    If you only need to keep specific flash data, you may use the keep method

    $request->session()->keep(['username', 'email']);

    Regenerating The Session ID


    How to create session key in your controller after login?

    $user = Auth::User();
    Session::put('user', $user);
    return $user->name;

    How to check session is exist on view page in laravel?

    @if (Session::has('user'))
    Welcome {{{ isset(Auth::user()->name) ? Auth::user()->name : Auth::user()->email }}}

    window.location.href = '{{url("/")}}';


    How to check session in blade view file in laravel?




    Get All session data in laravel

    $data = $request->session()->all();

    Print all session data in laravel

    If you just want to see contents of session, try dd():


    If not, just use this to get all info:

    $data = session()->all();

    Get session in blade

    {{ session()->get('name') }}

    Print session data on view page

    {{ session('key_name') }}

    Get session variable in controller file

    $value = Session::get('your key');

    Session flash in laravel

    use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Session;

    Session::flash('message','This is a message!');

    then in your view::


    <p class="alert
    {{ Session::get('alert-class', 'alert-info') }}">{{Session::get('message') }}</p>


    Get Session id in laravel


    store multiple session in laravel

    //store multipal data
    Session::put('user', ['first_name' => $request->get('first_name'), 'user_role' => Auth::user()->user_role, 'city' => Auth::user()->city]);

    //in blade template

    @foreach (Session::get('user') as $user)

    //condtion check
    @foreach (Session::get('user') as $user)
    {{ $user }}
    // condition check using ternary operator
    {{ (Session::has('user')) ? 45 : 55}}

    //delete session

    Update session laravel

    $request->session()->push('user.uploadPic', true);

    redirect page in view file

    // your "Imaginary javascript"
    window.location.href = '{{url("yoururl")}}';
    // or
    window.location.href = '{{route("myRoute")}}'; //using a named route

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