What is Helper in laravel?

composer require laravel/helpers

helper function is used for array, url, route, path etc. some basic helper function like date format in our project. it is many time require. so i think it's better we create our helper function use everywhere same code.

File name : app/helpers.php

you need to create app/helpers.php in your laravel project. and add the following code in this file:


function changeDateFormate($date,$date_format){
return \Carbon\Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $date)->format($date_format);

function productImagePath($image_name)
return public_path('images/products/'.$image_name);

Step 2: Add File Path In composer.json File

In this step, you have to put path of helpers file,so basically open composer.json file and put following code in that file

File name : composer.json

"autoload": {

"classmap": [



"psr-4": {

"App\\": "app/"


"files": [




Step 3: Run Command

composer dump-autoload

Example 1

$imageName = 'example.png';
$fullpath = productImagePath($imageName);

Example 2

Read Also: Laravel 6 REST API with Passport Tutorial
{{ changeDateFormate(date('Y-m-d'),'m/d/Y') }}

How to create own custom helper function in laravel?

Create helpers.php File

File name : index.php

php artisan make:helper Helper

It will create a Helper.php file in App\Helpers

View page

File name : student.blade.php


$where= array('id'=>$row->id);
$data = getStudInfo('students',$where);
{{ $data->name }}


Helper Function

File name : helper.php


if(!function_exists('getStudInfo')) {

function getStudInfo($table,$where) {
$data = \DB::table($table)
return $data;


Add helper file in the composer.json

File name : index.php

"autoload": {
"files": [

File name : index.php

composer dump-autoload

For Controller

File name : StudentController.php

namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class StudentController extends Controller
public function index()
$where= array('id'=>$row->id);
$data = getTableWhere('students',$where);

echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>"; die;

return view('admin.student-view', compact('result','data'));

Helper Function

File name : helper.php


function imploadValue($types){
$strTypes = implode(",", $types);
return $strTypes;

function explodeValue($types){
$strTypes = explode(",", $types);
return $strTypes;

function random_code(){

return rand(1111, 9999);

function remove_special_char($text) {

$t = $text;

$specChars = array(
' ' => '-', '!' => '', '"' => '',
'#' => '', '$' => '', '%' => '',
'&amp;' => '', '\'' => '', '(' => '',
')' => '', '*' => '', '+' => '',
',' => '', '₹' => '', '.' => '',
'/-' => '', ':' => '', ';' => '',
'<' => '', '=' => '', '>' => '',
'?' => '', '@' => '', '[' => '',
'\\' => '', ']' => '', '^' => '',
'_' => '', '`' => '', '{' => '',
'|' => '', '}' => '', '~' => '',
'-----' => '-', '----' => '-', '---' => '-',
'/' => '', '--' => '-', '/_' => '-',


foreach ($specChars as $k => $v) {
$t = str_replace($k, $v, $t);

return $t;

Example 1:

The random_code() function is used to generate a random digits code.

File name : index.php

$randomno = random_code();

Example 2:

The remove_special_char function is used to remove the special character from string.

File name : index.php

$str = "itechxpert : &amp; Sana mahtab is the *director of this @$ company."
$remove = remove_special_char($str);


itechxpert : sana mahtab is the director of this company

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