What is Decision Making in Python?

decision making allows us to run a particular block of code for a particular decision

The if statement

The if statement is used to test a particular condition and if the condition is true, it executes a block of code known as if-block. The condition of if statement can be any valid logical expression which can be either evaluated to true or false.

File name : index.py

if expression:


File name : index.py

num = int(input("enter the number?"))
if num%2 == 0:
    print("Number is even")


File name : index.py

a = int(input("Enter a? "));
b = int(input("Enter b? "));
c = int(input("Enter c? "));
if a>b and a>c:
    print("a is largest");
if b>a and b>c:
    print("b is largest");
if c>a and c>b:
    print("c is largest");

The if-else statement

The if-else statement provides an else block combined with the if statement which is executed in the false case of the condition. If the condition is true, then the if-block is executed. Otherwise, the else-block is executed.

File name : index.py

if condition:
    #block of statements
    #another block of statements (else-block)


File name : index.py

age = int (input("Enter your age? "))
if age>=18:
    print("You are eligible to vote !!");
    print("Sorry! you have to wait !!");

The elif statement

The elif statement enables us to check multiple conditions and execute the specific block of statements depending upon the true condition among them. We can have any number of elif statements in our program depending upon our need.

File name : index.py

if expression 1:
    # block of statements

elif expression 2:
    # block of statements

elif expression 3:
    # block of statements

    # block of statements

File name : index.py

number = int(input("Enter the number?"))
if number==10:
    print("number is equals to 10")
elif number==50:
    print("number is equal to 50");
elif number==100:
    print("number is equal to 100");
    print("number is not equal to 10, 50 or 100");

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