Error in Python can be of two types i.e. Syntax errors and Exceptions. Errors are the problems in a program due to which the program will stop the execution. On the other hand, exceptions are raised when some internal events occur which changes the normal flow of the program.
An exception can be defined as an unusual condition in a program resulting in the interruption in the flow of the program.
Whenever an exception occurs, the program stops the execution, and thus the further code is not executed. Therefore, an exception is the run-time errors that are unable to handle to Python script. An exception is a Python object that represents an error
Python provides a way to handle the exception so that the code can be executed without any interruption. If we do not handle the exception, the interpreter doesn't execute all the code that exists after the exception.
Python has many built-in exceptions that enable our program to run without interruption and give the output.
The difference between Syntax Error and Exceptions
Syntax Error: As the name suggests this error is caused by the wrong syntax in the code. It leads to the termination of the program.
Exceptions are raised when the program is syntactically correct, but the code resulted in an error. This error does not stop the execution of the program, however, it changes the normal flow of the program.
Common Exceptions
Python provides the number of built-in exceptions, but here we are describing the common standard exceptions. A list of common exceptions that can be thrown from a standard Python program is given below.
ZeroDivisionError: Occurs when a number is divided by zero.
NameError: It occurs when a name is not found. It may be local or global.
IndentationError: If incorrect indentation is given.
IOError: It occurs when Input Output operation fails.
EOFError: It occurs when the end of the file is reached, and yet operations are being performed.
The problem without handling exceptions
Suppose we have two variables a and b, which take the input from the user and perform the division of these values. What if the user entered the zero as the denominator? It will interrupt the program execution and through a ZeroDivision exception. Let's see the following example.
Exception handling
The try block lets you test a block of code for errors.
The except block lets you handle the error.
The finally block lets you execute code, regardless of the result of the try- and except blocks.
Example :-
try :- Run this code
Except :- Run this code if exception occurs.
else :- Run this code if no exception occurs
Declaring Multiple Exceptions
The try...finally block
Raising exceptions
An exception can be raised forcefully by using the raise clause in Python. It is useful in in that scenario where we need to raise an exception to stop the execution of the program. For example, there is a program that requires 2GB memory for execution, and if the program tries to occupy 2GB of memory, then we can raise an exception to stop the execution of the program.
Points to remember
To raise an exception, the raise statement is used. The exception class name follows it.
An exception can be provided with a value that can be given in the parenthesis.
To access the value "as" keyword is used. "e" is used as a reference variable which stores the value of the exception.
We can pass the value to an exception to specify the exception type.
Custom Exception
The Python allows us to create our exceptions that can be raised from the program and caught using the except clause. However, we suggest you read this section after visiting the Python object and classes.
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