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List of npm modules

npm modules :-

File Name :

c:/> npx express --view=ejs project_name
c:\project_name> npm init -y
c:\project_name> npm install
c:\project_name> npm install express-flash --save
c:\project_name> npm install express-session --save

c:\project_name> npm install express-validator --save
c:\project_name> npm uninstall express-validator
c:\project_name> npm install express-validator@5.3.0

c:\project_name> npm install method-override --save
c:\project_name> npm install mysql --save
c:\project_name>npm install body-parser
c:\project_name>npm install -g nodemon
c:\project_name>npm install morgan --save
c:\project_name>npm install express cookie-parser --save
c:\project_name>npm install helmet --save
c:\project_name>npm install multer
c:\project_name>npm install moment (for date formating)
c:\project_name> npm install slug
c:\project_name>npm install bcrypt
c:\project_name>npm install --save sweetalert2
c:\project_name>npm install nodemailer
c:\project_name>npm install rand-token --save
c:\project_name>npm install date-and-time
c:\project_name>npm install buffer
c:\project_name>npm install exceljs
c:\project_name>npm install html-pdf

npx express --view=ejs project_name

File Name : mymvcproject

when you run this command on your command prompt then it create your node project with your project name such as mymvcproject and also create sub directory in your project folder.
project directory structure

npm init -y

First Go on project directory.
c:\mymvcproject> npm init -y
This command creates a package.json file.

File Name :

when you run npm init -y command is used to generate a package.json file for your project. The command will generate a series of prompts for you to fill.

npm install

c:\mymvcproject> npm install
This command creates a node_modules directory in your project directory and also create all library of node_modules.

File Name :

Now create three folders to represent MVC: models, views, and controllers in your project directory.

Set Debug :-

c:\mymvcproject> SET DEBUG=mymvcproject:* & npm start


File Name :

it is a mechanism that uses additional HTTP headers to tell browsers to give a web application running at one origin, access to selected resources from a different origin.


File Name :

it store all of our environment variables. This is where we will store our email variables.


File Name :

Multer is a node.js middleware for handling multipart/form-data, which is primarily used for uploading files.


File Name :

npm install method-override --save

NPM is used to run a DELETE and PUT method from an HTML form. In several web browsers only support GET and POST methods.

Access Global Scope

In Node.js, global object represents the global scope. To add something in global scope, you need to export it using export or module.export. The same way, import modules/object using require() function to access it from the global scope.
For example, to export an object in Node.js, use = object

exports.myRouter = {
console: function(msg) {
file: function(msg) {
// log to file here

Now, you can import myRouter object using require() function and use it anywhere in your Node.js project.

Export Module in Node.js

The module.exports is a special object which is included in every JavaScript file in the Node.js application by default. The module is a variable that represents the current module, and exports is an object that will be exposed as a module. So, whatever you assign to module.exports will be exposed as a module.

Example :-

File Name : myrouter.js

module.exports = 'Hello Sana';

export myRouter.js page on app.js file

Now, import this myRouter module and use it as shown below.

File Name : app.js

var msg = require('./myRouter.js');

output :-
Hello Sana

Export Object

The exports is an object. So, you can attach properties or methods to it.

File Name : myrouter.js

exports.SimpleMessage = 'Hello Sana';
module.exports.SimpleMessage = 'Hello Sana';

we have attached a property SimpleMessage to the exports object.

the require() function will return an object { SimpleMessage : 'Hello Sana'} and assign it to the msg variable. So, now you can use msg.SimpleMessage.

File Name : app.js

var msg = require('./myRouter.js');

output :-
Hello Sana

File Name : data.js

module.exports = {
firstName: 'Sana',
lastName: 'Mahtab'

File Name : app.js

var person = require('./data.js');
console.log(person.firstName + ' ' + person.lastName);

Export Function

File Name : myrouter.js

module.exports = function (msg) {

File Name : app.js

var msg = require('./myrouter.js');
msg('Hello World');

Export Function as a Class

File Name : person.js

module.exports = function (firstName, lastName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
this.fullName = function () {
return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;

File Name : app.js

var person = require('./Person.js');
var person1 = new person('Sana', 'Mahtab');

File Name : Datainfo.js

var myData = {
info: function (info) {
console.log('Info: ' + info);
warning:function (warning) {
console.log('Warning: ' + warning);
error:function (error) {
console.log('Error: ' + error);

module.exports = myData

File Name : app.js

var myLogModule = require('./Datainfo.js');'Node.js started');

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