What is bit?

What is bit?

A bit is the smallest unit of data that a computer can process and store. A bit is always in one of two physical states, similar to an on/off light switch. The state is represented by a single binary value, usually a 0 or 1. However, the state might also be represented by yes/no, on/off or true/false.

File Name :

A byte is made up of eight bits, if you had two bytes (word), it would be 16 bits (2 x 8=16), and 4 bytes will be 32 bits (4 x 8=32). computers offer instructions that can manipulate and test bits, but they are designed to store collected data in an eight-bit piece known as bytes. The four bits (half a byte) are known as a nibble. For an eight-bit unit.

Nibble :-

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4 bits together makes one nibble. The nibble is a measurement of memory.
One nibble = 4 bits.

Byte :-

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A byte is a memory unit that is larger than a bit. Eight consecutive bits make a byte. The byte is represented by using "B". A single character like an alphabet, number, or symbol makes 1 byte.
1 byte = 8 bits.


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One kilobyte is a thousand bytes in technical terms. Kilobyte is abbreviated as "KB". The kilobyte and kibibyte are often used as the same value, but the kibibyte is a memory measurement with 1024 bytes represented in binary, which is 210.
1 KB = 210 bytes.


File Name :

Megabyte (MB) is a data measurement unit applied to digital computer or media storage. One MB equals one million (106 or 1,000,000) bytes. The binary mega prefix is 1,048,576 bits or 1,024 Kb. Megabyte is represented by "MB". One megabyte is a thousand kilobytes.
1 MB = 220 bytes.

Gigabyte :-

Gigabyte is represented by "GB". One Gigabyte is a thousand megabytes. The Gigabyte and gibibyte are often used as the same value, but the gibibyte is a memory measurement with 1,073,741,824 bytes, which, when represented in binary, is 230.
1 GB = 230 bytes.

Terabyte :-

A terabyte is represented by "TB". One Terabyte is a thousand gigabytes. The Terabyte and tebibyte are often used as the same value, but the tebibyte is a memory measurement with 1,099,511,627,776 bytes, which, when represented in binary, is 240.
1 TB = 240 bytes.

Petabyte :-

A petabyte is represented by "PB". One Petabyte is a thousand terabytes. The Petabyte and pebibyte are often used as the same value, but the pebibyte is a memory measurement with 1,125,899,906,842,624 bytes, which, when represented in binary, is 250.
1 PB = 250 bytes.

Exabyte :-

One Exabyte is a thousand petabytes. Exabyte is represented by "EB". The Exabyte and exbibyte are often used as the same value, but the exbibyte is a memory measurement with 1,152,921,504,606,846,976bytes, which, when represented in binary, is 260.
1 EB = 260 bytes.


File Name :

One Exabyte is a thousand exabytes. A zettabyte is represented by "ZB". The zettabyte and zebibyte are often used as the same value, but the zebibyte is a memory measurement with 1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424, which, when represented in binary, is 270. The ZB is not generally used in scientific research. The ZB is used to calculate the large memory. 1 ZB = 270 bytes.

Yottabyte :-

File Name :

One yottabyte is a thousand zettabytes. A zettabyte is represented by "YB". The yottabyte and yobibyte are often used as the same value, but the yobibyte is a memory measurement with 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 bytes which, when represented in binary, is 280. 1 YB = 280 bytes.

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