Output Devices

The devices which are used to display the results or information are called Output Devices. output device displays the result of the processing of data that is entered in the computer through an input device. You can view the output on the monitor or you can print it on a paper using a printer. Monitor and the printer are the commonly used output devices.

Some output devices are:

  • Monitor
  • Printer
  • Projector
  • Speakers
  • Headphones/Earphones
  • Plotter

  • Monitor :-

    Monitor is the most common output device connected with the computer to display the processed information. monitor is the display unit or screen of the computer. It is the main output device that displays the processed data or information as text, images, audio or video. It looks like a TV and is also know as VDU(Visual Display Unit). Pictures are displayed by using a large number of very small dots on screen called pixels. The number of pixels that a monitor can show on its screen is referred to as the resolution of the screen.

    Types of Monitor

  • CRT Monitor
  • LCD Monitor
  • LED Monitor
  • Plasma Monitor

  • CRT Monitor

    A cathode ray tube (CRT) is the glass video display component of an electronic device. A cathode-ray tube (CRT) is a specialized vacuum tube in which images are produced when an electron beam strikes a phosphorescent surface. Most desktop computer displays make use of CRTs. The CRT in a computer display is similar to the "picture tube" in a television receiver. A CRT monitor contains millions of tiny red, green, and blue phosphor dots that glow when struck by an electron beam that travels across the screen to create a visible image.
    CRT monitor
    CRT monitor

    LCD Monitor

    LCD monitor is a liquid crystal display monitor. that display the information. it uses LCD technology to show clear images, and is found mostly in laptop computers and flat panel monitors. This technology has replaced the traditional cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors.
    lcd monitor

    LED Monitor

    The LED monitor is an improved version of an LCD monitor. It also has a flat panel display and uses liquid crystal display technology like the LCD monitors. The LED monitor has many LED panels, and each panel has several LEDsto backlight the display, whereas the LCD monitors use cold cathode fluorescent light to backlight the display.Modern electronic devices such as mobile phones, LED TVs, laptop and computer screens, etc., use a LED display.
    led monitor

    Plasma Monitor

    The plasma monitor is also a flat panel display that is based on plasma display technology. It has small tiny cells between two glass panels. These cells contain mixtures of noble gases and a small amount of mercury. When voltage is applied, the gas in the cells turns into a plasma and emits ultraviolet light that creates images on the screen, i.e., the screen is illuminated by a tiny bit of plasma, a charged gas. Plasma displays are brighter than liquid crystal displays (LCD) and also offer a wide viewing angle than an LCD.
    palasma monitor

    Printer :-

    This is an important output device of the computer system. It gives a printed output of the results that appears on the monitor screen. Printed output is also called Hard Copy output because unlike monitor, this output can be preserved even if the computer is switched off.
  • Impact Printers
  • Character Printers
  • Dot Matrix printers
  • Daisy Wheel printers
  • Line printers
  • Drum printers
  • Inkjet printers
  • Laser printers

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