Types of Computer

the computer is of three types

File Name :

  • Analogue Computer
  • Digital Computer
  • Hybrid Computer

  • 1. Analogue Computer

    Analogue computers are designed to process analogue data. Analogue data is continuous data that changes continuously and cannot have discrete values. We can say that analogue computers are used where we don't need exact values always such as speed, temperature, pressure and current.
    Analogue computers directly accept the data from the measuring device without first converting it into numbers and codes. Speedometer and mercury thermometer are examples of analogue computers.

    Digital Computer

    Digital computer is designed to perform calculations and logical operations at high speed. It accepts the raw data as input in the form of digits or binary numbers (0 and 1) and processes it with programs stored in its memory to produce the output. All modern computers like laptops, desktops including smartphones that we use at home or office are digital computers.

    Hybrid Computer

    Hybrid computer has features of both analogue and digital computer. It is fast like an analogue computer and has memory and accuracy like digital computers. It can process both continuous and discrete data. It accepts analogue signals and convert them into digital form before processing. So, it is widely used in specialized applications where both analogue and digital data is processed. For example, a processor is used in petrol pumps that converts the measurements of fuel flow into quantity and price. Similarly, they are used in airplanes, hospitals, and scientific applications.

    Computers can be broadly classified by their size and speed and computing power, the computer can be of five type

  • PC (Personal Computer) :-
  • Workstation
  • Mini Computer
  • Main Frame
  • Supercomputer

  • PC (Personal Computer) :-

    Personal Computer :- A personal computer (PC) is a microcomputer designed for use by one person at a time. A personal computer is a general-purpose, cost-effective computer that is designed to be used by a single end-user. Every PC is dependent on microprocessor technology, which allows PC makers to set the entire central processing unit (CPU) on a single chip. PCs are based on the microprocessor technology that enables manufacturers to put an entire CPU on one chip. Businesses use personal computers for word processing, accounting, desktop publishing, and for running spreadsheet and database management applications. At home, the most popular use for personal computers is playing games, office works and surfing the Internet.

    Characteristics of a microcomputer:
  • It is the smallest in size among all types of computers.
  • A limited number of software can be used.
  • It is designed for personal work and applications. Only one user can work at a time.
  • It is less expansive and easy to use.
  • It does not require the user to have special skills or training to use it.
  • Generally, comes with single semiconductor chip.
  • It is capable of multitasking such as printing, scanning, browsing, watching videos, etc.

  • Workstation :-

    Workstation is a computer used for engineering applications (CAD/CAM), desktop publishing, software development, and other such types of applications which require a moderate amount of computing power and relatively high quality graphics capabilities. Workstations generally come with a large, high-resolution graphics screen, large amount of RAM, inbuilt network support, and a graphical user interface. Most workstations also have mass storage device such as a disk drive, but a special type of workstation, called diskless workstation, comes without a disk drive. Common operating systems for workstations are UNIX and Windows NT. Like PC, workstations are also single-user computers like PC but are typically linked together to form a local-area network, although they can also be used as stand-alone systems.

    Characteristics of workstation computer:
  • It is a high-performance computer system designed for a single user for business or professional use.
  • It has larger storage capacity, better graphics, and more powerful CPU than a personal computer.
  • It can handle animation, data analysis, CAD, audio and video creation and editing.

  • Minicomputer :-

    It is a midsize multiprocessing computer. It consists of two or more processors and can support 4 to 200 users at one time. Miniframe computers are used in institutes and departments for tasks such as billing, accounting and inventory management. A minicomputer lies between the mainframe and microcomputer as it is smaller than mainframe but larger than a microcomputer.

    Characteristics of miniframe or minicomputer:
  • It is light weight that makes it easy to carry and fit anywhere.
  • It is less expensive than mainframe computers.
  • It is very fast compared to its size.
  • It remains charged for a long time.
  • It does not require a controlled operational environment.

  • Mainframe :-

    Mainframe is very large in size and is an expensive computer capable of supporting hundreds or even thousands of users simultaneously. Mainframe executes many programs concurrently and supports many simultaneous execution of programs.

    Supercomputer :-

    Supercomputers are one of the fastest computers currently available. Supercomputers are very expensive and are employed for specialized applications that require immense amount of mathematical calculations For example, weather forecasting, scientific simulations, (animated) graphics, fluid dynamic calculations, nuclear energy research, electronic design, and analysis of geological data

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